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SEAT in the movies

SEAT in the movies

  • Cars are a fundamental part of the setting of films and series, more than just a means of on-screen transport
  • On the occasion of the 2021 Oscars ceremony, SEAT revisits the appearances of its models in films around the world
  • Jason Bourne, Mamma Mia! or Money Heist are among the films featuring SEAT cars

Year after year, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science’s awards keep moviegoers around the world at the edge of their seats for a night of golden Hollywood style. With a new edition of the Oscars just around the corner (25 April), after being postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time to highlight those tireless companions of every self-respecting movie star - the cars.

What would Doc and Marty McFly be without their DeLorean in Back to the Future, and how would Batman get around without his Batmobile? That’s why, in honour of the upcoming Oscars, SEAT has prepared some unique awards for the appearances of its models in the world motion picture history.

The best cameo appearance. This category doesn’t exist at the Oscars, but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to recognise those SEATs that have sneaked onto the big screen like Stan Lee in Marvel films. Whether to one side of the frame or speeding across the screen, the following SEAT cars are in the running for best cameo:

-         The Alhambra in Bourne Legacy (2012), seen parked in the midst of the action.

-         The Ibiza in Jason Bourne (2016), parked next to the fire.

-         The Ibiza in Notting Hill (1999), stealing the spotlight in the middle of the street.

-         The Leon in 3 days to kill (2014), parked and about to get shot up by the bad guys.

-         The Leon in Men in Black: International (2019), spotted racing through a scene.

Best car in a supporting role. Cars are more than just a means of transport, they provide character and context. In films, it is often these attributes that condition the setting: for example, it would be unusual to see the latest generation Leon in a film set in the 1960s. For their importance in setting the scene or for their use by a supporting character, these are the nominees for the award for best supporting role in films and series:

-         The 124 and the 124 D in Mamma Mia! (2008) where Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth travel.

-         The Ibiza in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), which is involved in a spectacular accident on-screen.

-         The Sport Bocanegra in Veneno (series, 2020), driven by the leading actors.

-         The Leon in Dark (series, 2017-2020), a crucial element in one scene in the first season.

-         The Leon in Sherlock (series, 2010-2017), in a close-up in front of the castle.

SEAT Ibiza

Best car in a leading role. But beyond appearing as a background extra, sometimes the cars are one with the protagonist and accompany him or her during the action. It is common to associate the character of the vehicle with that of the protagonist, to lend more credibility to the actor’s performance and identify the values of one in the other. The following SEAT cars are in the running for the Best Leading Role award:

-         The Ronda in La muerte de Mikel (1984), driven throughout most of the film by the main character.

-         The 131 in Cuéntame cómo pasó (series, 2001-today), so often seen with the main character Antonio Alcántara at the wheel. A special mention goes to his brother Miguel’s flashy 850 Sport.

-         The Ibiza in Money Heist (series, 2017-today), driven by ‘the Professor’ when he recruits Tokyo.

-         The 124 D in The trouble with spies (1987), driven by a young Donald Sutherland.

-         The Ibiza in Colpi di fulmine (2012), driven by the main characters of this comedy.

Lifetime Achievement Award. Without a doubt, the model that most deserves this honorary award is the SEAT Ibiza. Throughout its 37-year history and after five generations, the most popular compact car has accumulated more than 500 screen appearances. In addition to the previously mentioned films and series, we must add Sin identidad (2006), Adiós, pequeña (1987), Live Flesh (1997), Stories from the Kronen (1995), Polly Blue Eyes (2005) or Hotel Paradies (series, 1990), among others.

A Bond Girl’s car

SEAT’s relationship with cinema goes even further than its appearances in films. Few people know that Ursula Andress, the legendary ‘Bond Girl’ who accompanied 007 in Dr. No (1962), bought the first SEAT 133 when it went on sale in 1974. The actress, who at the time was living in Ibiza, was the ambassador of this model and drove it around the island on many occasions.