en:Owners:Your SEAT:Warranty & Roadside Assistance:Cambelt Warranty GB/EN
Man closing a SEAT Arona boot on a city street


Keeping you on the move

Enhanced Cambelt Kit Warranty (SEAT UK)

Customers now benefit from an extended warranty applying to the cambelt kit parts fitted on new SEAT vehicles during production or subsequently by SEAT Authorised Repairers at the recommended replacement interval during in-service operation.  Warranty remains in accordance with the SEAT UK Warranty Guide documentation, except where stated in addition below.

Factory-new vehicles:

  • Five year cover against manufacturing faults on cambelt kit components up to the maximum mileage interval recommended for cambelt replacement.

SEAT Authorised Repairers in-service replacement of cambelt kit:

  • Five1 year cover against manufacturing defects for SEAT Original Parts cambelt kit components* up to the maximum mileage interval recommended for cambelt replacement from the invoice date of purchase of cambelt replacement fitted by a SEAT Authorised Repairer.
  • Applies to subsequent scheduled cambelt replacements on vehicles up to a maximum age of 10 years from date of first registration or twice the maximum mileage interval recommended for cambelt replacement.  Reception date for cambelt replacement by SEAT Authorised Repairers must not be greater than 1 month or 1,000 miles past the maximum age or mileage.

Maximum age intervals recommended for cambelt replacement can vary by Brand/Model – Please check first.

*Cambelt kit components are defined as the parts included in a SEAT Original Parts cambelt kit and where a kit is not available, the same individual components that a kit would comprise, those being:

  • Timing belt, and specific related toothed belt
  • Tensioner pulley
  • Idler Pulley(s)
  • Fixing parts

Information on the Enhanced Cambelt Warranty conditions

In addition to our standard warranty terms; Conditions of the above include but are not limited to:

  • The vehicle being serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Any damage to or defect in the vehicle caused by poor or insufficient servicing will not be remedied under the vehicle’s Warranty. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they maintain sufficient records to confirm that the vehicle has been appropriately serviced.
  • All Warranty repairs must be carried out by a SEAT Authorised Repairer. Each SEAT Authorised Repairer is obliged to carry out warranty repairs irrespective of where the vehicle was purchased or the country of origin.
  • Warranty repairs may only be completed using Manufacturers Original Parts.
  • Customers travelling abroad within the period of extended warranty - Should a vehicle suffer a manufacturing defect covered by the Enhanced Cambelt Warranty while outside the UK, the repair must be carried out by a member of the SEAT Authorised Network in that country. The cost should be settled by the customer, and a claim can then be made by any member of the SEAT Authorised Network in the UK. In order for reimbursement to be possible the repair invoice must be returned to a SEAT UK Authorised Repairer within 14 calendar days of the invoice date. This also covers vehicles which have been exported from the UK.
  • Consequential damage to standard vehicle components caused by a manufacturing defect can be claimed under the terms of the warranty.

Exclusions from Warranty

Accepting our standard warranty terms; Enhanced Cambelt Warranty claims are excluded in cases where the claim is directly related to:

  • Failure of the water pump.
  • Failure of ancillary drive belts.
  • Outside influences, contamination or associated items causing the failure of the cambelt kit components and related parts.
  • The customer failing to act as soon as it became apparent following on an advisory or reported defect made aware to them, that has a direct impact on the cambelt kit components and related parts, or not allowing the required repairs to be carried out as soon as possible.