en:About SEAT:History GB/EN
a collection of old fashioned SEAT vehicles

Looking back, moving forward.

From Spain’s first family car manufacturer to one of the most design-driven automakers worldwide, we've come a long way. And we can't wait to go even farther.

SEAT history 1950


SEAT is here to make history. Production reaches 10,000 cars per year. And with the iconic SEAT 600, a star is born.

SEAT history 1960


It’s time for more. SEAT 850 breaks boundaries. The rising demand crosses borders, pushing production over 1M units.

SEAT history 1970


Innovation ahead of its time. Production reaches 3M and the cutting-edge Martorell Technical Centre opens its doors.

SEAT history 1980


The future is now. The Ibiza makes its mark on the compact city car market, and SEAT becomes part of the Volkswagen family.

SEAT history 1990


Volkswagen drives us toward a greater future. The Martorell plant opens, enabling production to surpass 10M cars.



We celebrate 50 years of growth and success with new additions like the SEAT Leon and customer-centred SEAT Service.

SEAT history 2010


With new perspectives come new connections. We welcome the Mii and the diverse Leon family. Bigger. Better. Faster.